Friday, January 8, 2010

Some Light Reading

You should be aware that this is my 2nd to last day at the Library.


Also, there are a grand total of FIVE PATRONS in here today because the roads are covered with icy death. They will be all day mind you, because it's not supposed to get above 28 degrees. This? Is like an EndTime scenerio for Atlanta.

So, I'm here. Bored. Freezing. Waiting to die driving on the way home.

It's great.

No, really, it is.

WHY MUST I BE HERE. Ok. Only good things about today:

1. I have a Dominoes Pizza gift card. And as much as Dominoes Pizza kind of makes me want to yack, I'm going to order some. They will bring it me, and I will gorge myself on cheese and bread.

2. There are cookies in the breakroom

3. .....

That's it.

Ok, so a lady just called and was like...

FranticaErotica: Hi! Do you have any books by Zane or any erotic novels?

Me: :::decidedly NONEroticSigh::: We do have books by Zane, but they are not checked in.

FranticaErotica: I just need you to find some books that are good to read on the bus. Like some black people books that are like love stories. I need books TODAY.

Me: Um...well we have an African American Fiction section you can come in and take a look at.

FranticaErotica: No. I need someone to just go pick out some for me. I'm in a cab and I can't hardly walk.


Anyway, so me, being me, just goes and pulls books for her. I just picked anyone that had a black man's abs on the cover.

Those should be good for the bus right?

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