Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Great Clean Out

...of my life.

Later! You've all been thrown away.

No, no. Not yet anyway.

So, I started cleaning out my desk at the Library today, and like it's almost 3 years worth of stuff. This? Mind you, is the longest I have ever been at one job.

I'm so responsible.

Ok, so like...here are the contents of my desk drawer:

1. No less than 10 thousand paperclips
2. 6 sharpies
3. 3 Hi-liters
4. stamps, and stamp pads...we librarians LOVE to stap shit. Like BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! STAMP!
5. 5 post-it pads

Why on EARTH did i have 7 pairs of scissors? How does that even happen? Like we have a 131 million dollar deficit from me hoarding scissors.


I was so petrified to reveal the fact that I had THAT many pairs of scissors stashed away in my desk? Because honestly, like, they would probably beat me with sticks.

Luckily...we are so grossly understaffed that everyone was entirely too busy to notice me taking a bucket 'o scissors to the supply room.

Also, a friend of mine...let's just call him YBPM...is involved in this project:


And if you read the Frank's Blog part? The first one all gives a shout out to the "nice ladies" at the public library, so I was all "awwwww, YBPM! You sweet little honey badger, giving me a shout out!"

He didn't write it.

Which is both a positive AND a negative. Positive in the sense that there is another human being on the planet that actually refers to ladies at the public library as "nice" and also has great respect for the public access computers, and negative in the sense that I have to strike YBPM from my friends list because he doesn't appreciate my service to the community enough.

Consider him stricken.

It's a new year baby! IN YO FACE!

Ok, not really.

You live to see another day YBPM. You may thank me later.


  1. On your way out the door of the library, if you want to steel me a few of those free books laying around you can. Just saying :)

    I have a problem....

  2. Oh honey, ALLLLL those free books from the PubHouses belong to me. So don't you worry. I don't even have to steal them! Though I would...for you. To FEED YOUR HABIT.
